About Us

About Board Game Central

BOARD GAME CENTRAL was founded in 2001 with one vision in mind!

To provide unique, innovative and engaging products, combined with unconditional customer service to our customers. We have quality board games that are not only unique and interesting but high quality and represent good value for money. We also back our products with exceptional customer service and our satisfaction guarantee. At Board Game Central we are commited to sourcing new and interesting products for our customers and ensure you an enjoyable online shopping experience.

Enjoy the convenience of your new online retail store. Quality products delivered to your door.

We look forward to hearing from you.

From The Team
e: info@boardgamecentral.com.au

Contact Us



You Guys have definitely been one of the most friendly, easy to work with internet groups I've come across. I'll be buying more things in the future.
Rachael Weber
Lancefield. Victoria
Just wanted to let you know that I received my order & I am very happy with it. Thanks for your efficient & friendly service!

Jennifer Allen
Georges Hall. NSW